Just a couple of bits done yesterday while I wait for the transmission jack to arrive. Two electrical plugs disconnected for the reverse switch and the speed sensor. The speed sensor is quite awkward as it’s located at the back of the gearbox and has a heat shield around the cable.
Also drained the oil out of the gearbox and the transfer box and removed the one attachment bolt that goes into the gearbox from the engine side and has limited movement due to its location adjacent to the transfer box..
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Each TTOC Member can post one thread to contain a full journal of their TT ownership.
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Each TTOC Member can post one thread to contain a full journal of their TT ownership.
This can be a full blown build thread or as simple as a set of pictures, the choice is yours.
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
- Attachments
- Speed sensor and plug.
- IMG_1506.jpeg (339.34 KiB) Viewed 19087 times
- Transfer box drain point.
- IMG_1512.jpeg (369.16 KiB) Viewed 19087 times
- Awkward attachment bolt.
- IMG_1501.jpeg (336.99 KiB) Viewed 19087 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
Wednesday saw the arrival of the Sealey transmission jack. So today I had a couple of hours to disconnect the driveshafts from the gearbox and to jack the front high enough to wheel the gearbox out once removed.
It’s the first time I’ve had the axle stands this high so as a precaution I positioned another two behind them a little further back on the chassis rail.
It’s the first time I’ve had the axle stands this high so as a precaution I positioned another two behind them a little further back on the chassis rail.
- Attachments
- IMG_1526.jpeg (452.04 KiB) Viewed 19067 times
- IMG_1527.jpeg (477.39 KiB) Viewed 19067 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
This morning saw the engine support bridge assembled and installed to allow removal of the gearbox support and engine mount disconnected. The supply to the slave cylinder was disconnected and blanked and all gearbox attachment bolts removed.
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- IMG_1529.jpeg (449.92 KiB) Viewed 19063 times
- IMG_1528.jpeg (380.31 KiB) Viewed 19063 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
Just before lunch the transmission jack was put in place prior to the removal of the last two upper gearbox attachment bolts and then after lunch the fun began with the gearbox removal.
The main problem is with the transfer gearbox fouling on the engine and the propshaft as you bring the gearbox out and down.
After an hour of lowering a bit and raising a bit, bringing the transfer box side out first as stated in the Audi service manual and a little bit of levering to clear the propshaft I finally found myself in a position to lower the gearbox fully and wheel it out from the front
All I can say is putting it back is going to be a right laugh!!!
The main problem is with the transfer gearbox fouling on the engine and the propshaft as you bring the gearbox out and down.
After an hour of lowering a bit and raising a bit, bringing the transfer box side out first as stated in the Audi service manual and a little bit of levering to clear the propshaft I finally found myself in a position to lower the gearbox fully and wheel it out from the front
All I can say is putting it back is going to be a right laugh!!!
- Attachments
- IMG_1531.jpeg (646.39 KiB) Viewed 19063 times
- IMG_1533.jpeg (547.17 KiB) Viewed 19063 times
- IMG_1532.jpeg (566.18 KiB) Viewed 19063 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
Today I drove to South Wales and left my gearbox with Martin at Gas n Gears, looking forward to seeing some pictures of the strip and rebuild over the coming weeks.
In the meantime plenty of other stuff to do before it comes back.
In the meantime plenty of other stuff to do before it comes back.
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
The driveshaft heat shield and the transfer box support bracket, cleaned up, sanded, primed and painted in Eastwoods Aluma Blast and Eastwoods Extreme Chassis Black Satin Finish.
- Attachments
- Before
- IMG_1470.jpeg (850.04 KiB) Viewed 18956 times
- After
- IMG_1549.jpeg (423.62 KiB) Viewed 18956 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
A little bit of prep work done on the starter motor before priming and painting.
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- IMG_1520.jpeg (685.68 KiB) Viewed 18891 times
- IMG_1552.jpeg (423 KiB) Viewed 18891 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
Another part cleaned up primed and painted in Eastwoods Aluma Blast the gearbox to mount support bracket.
- Attachments
- IMG_1546.jpeg (387.44 KiB) Viewed 18886 times
- IMG_1556.jpeg (630.34 KiB) Viewed 18886 times
- IMG_1557.jpeg (618.04 KiB) Viewed 18886 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm
- TTOC Membership: 02935
- Location: Preston, Lancashire
Thank you………..a lot more to do. It’s one of those the more you look the more you find to do. Turbo oil return line removed due to some corrosion and paint damage.
- Attachments
- IMG_1555.jpeg (399.63 KiB) Viewed 18863 times
Mk1 TT225 Coupe 2002